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Landscape Maintenance

Crafting beautiful landscapes, one project at a time.
Why Choose Us
Attention to detail, from generation to generation.

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    second-generation family-owned and operated business

    AC Tree Experts is a second-generation family-owned and operated business. Our team has provided top-grade services to the Southern California region for over three decades.

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    10% off for first-time customers & first responders

    We value our clients, which is why first-time customers can enjoy 10% off their initial services. We also extend a 10% discount to first responders in our community.

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    one-stop shop for your property's outdoor

    Our customers have access to a comprehensive list of outdoor services. From tree care to landscaping design, our specialists offer a breadth of experience.

Landscape Maintenance
Enhancing the beauty and value of your property.

After all the thought, time, and cost used in making your landscape look just how you wanted it to, do not overlook the importance of proper maintenance to keep your landscape beautiful year after year. AC Tree Experts offers specific landscape maintenance programs suitable for any need. Allow us to keep your property looking green and full of color, just like the first day of installation.

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Contact us
Schedule an outdoor service in your area today.